Due to the changes in BOQ, the submission date will be extended till 5th June, 2024.

We would like to invite the Open Tender for the Construction of Machine storage, Office cum Meeting Hall, Recycling storage and Toilet & Breastfeeding Room located at Bjimena Industrial Estate with the following conditions.


  • The TOR for the construction is attached.
  • The last date for submission of Technical & Financial Proposal is on 26.05.2024 before 12:00 noon and will be opened on the same day at 2:00PM in the conference hall at BES.
  • The class of contractor is medium and qualified contractors should hold a valid contractor license in the related field, Certificate from CDB and Tax clearance certificate. The quotation failing to provide valid contractor license will be rejected.
  • The successful contractor should meet the requirement as per TOR.
  • The successful contractor should deliver the service within 24 weeks from the date of work order and Payment will be made as per ToR. The design and BOQ shall be provided.
  • There will be 0.01% deduction for every day of delay and it shall not exceed more than 2% of the total amount.
  • Force majeure by the contractor shall be applicable
  • The contractor requiring any further information or clarification of the Terms & Conditions may contact the Procurement Officer by phone or mailing at indicated address below:

Bhutan Ecological Society.
Thori Lam, Lower Changangkha, Thimphu
P.O.Box No. 2013
Phone no. 00975 17400371
Email: tashi@bes.org.bt

Please find all the related documents for download below