The Bhutan Ecological Society (BES) in partnership with the Department of Water (DoW) is
organizing a 3 day workshop on “Bhutan & Water: National Stock-taking workshop for water
security” from 29 th May to 31 st May, 2024. The workshop is supported by the KARUNA

Representatives from the following sectors:

  1. Central Government Agencies: Dow, DoID, DECC, NCHM,DHS, DoFPS
  2. Local Government: Phuntsholing Thromde, Gelephu Thromde and Samdrupjongkhar Thromde
  3. Academia: Royal University of Bhutan (CST and CNR), JSWL
  4. International Organization and CSO(s): UNDP, BTFEC, BWP, KARUNA Foundation, RSPN, Tarayana Foundation, BES, SFS-Bhutan
  5. Private Sector: Suntec Bhutan

Are attending the three day workshop to:

  • Understand current water availability and supply systems across Bhutan
  • Understand use and efficiency metrics
  • Take stock of governance, policy, and technology issues,
  • Take stock of major risks and challenges in the short, medium, and long term, and
  • Recommend tools and strategies (governance, policy, technology) to ensure sustainable use and access to water resources.

The expected outcome from the workshop is to stock take the water and water related
information for proposal development to ensure water security for drinking.

Our deliverables from the workshop will be to

  • Comprehend the information and establish issues and gaps,
  • Come up with the recommendations – policy and legislative interventions,
  • Develop a project proposal.