Tenzin Khorlo, Chief Environment Officer of Water Resources Coordination Division, has over 20 years of experience in providing policy, regulatory, and technical guidance in designing, developing, and implementing environmental strategies and plans, legislations, technical guidelines, and standards. He started operationalizing and strengthening river basin management, developed approach towards nature-based remedial measures, environmental engineering course with specialization in water resources management, Water Flagship Program—Access to 24 X 7 Safe Drinking Water, and technical report on National Water Resources Inventory and Community Level Water Resources. Currently overseeing the implementing of projects, namely Minimum Environmental Flow for Hydropower Projects, Advisory Services and Analytics Project on the Water Sector, and National Adaption Plan formulation for Assessing Climate Risk on Water Resources. Tenzin Khorlor holds a Bachelor’s degree in Chemical Engineering and a Master’s on Environment Economics and Policy.