Lam Dorji completed his Master’s Degree in Engineering from University of New Brunswick, Canada and has about 27 years of professional experience working in the energy sector in Bhutan dealing with policy and strategy matters, such as formulation and drafting of Energy Allocation Policy for Bhutan; Alternative renewable energy policy for low-carbon pathways; Energy Efficiency Stands as part of energy conservation program; and in promoting Clean Cooking Technology to improve socio-economic development of rural population. The research works were engaged in formulating Communication strategy for Renewable Natural Resource Sector to provide access to information for the rural community; National Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP) Strategy Document for Bhutan to mainstream the SCP agenda into the national development plans; TVET Reform Policy to upgrade the technical skills of the national youth to enhance employability; and in designing climate-friendly business (Green Businesses) cases and to bring the key actors together to strengthen the private sector engagement towards decarbonization of the energy sector, integration of renewable energy into the agri-supply chain, and decouple energy consumption from GDP growth to mitigate climate change. He has provided his expertise/services in various independent assignments for ADB, World Bank, EU, UNEP, ESCAP, SWITCH Asia, International Consulting Firms, Royal Government of Bhutan, and NGOs.

He has served as Board of Director in ANDRITZ India Limited (2017-2020), Chief Executive Officer (2014 – 2016) of a Company in Thailand leading and managing the company’s business affairs and as a Director(O&M) (2009 – 2014) in Druk Green Power Corporation in Bhutan. Currently, serving as member of Technical Advisory Committee for Bhutan Chamber of Commerce & Industries.